Our design style is
inspired by (everlasting) minimalism 


Hi there! My name is Natalia and I am the brand and web designer behind Dots Creative Studio. Ever since I can remember, I've been passionate about art and design. Creating beautiful and meaningful designs has always been a source of joy for me.
I am fortunate enough to do what I love every day, working with small and passionate businesses who are following their dreams. There is nothing more satisfying than helping a business create a strong and memorable brand identity. 

Natural Shapes / Serif Typefaces /Neutral Tones /Abstract Forms / Old Magazines & Books / Minimalist Interiors / Parisian Architecture / Shadows & Textures


We create a strong foundation for your brand rooted in authenticity and focused on your target audience. We work on your vision, values and mission in order to make your business stand out and connect with your ideal client.
With every design choice we make, we keep in mind your mission, values and most important your "why". From logo and patterns to colors and typography selection every choice has a meaning behind and is rooted in well thought & carefully planned strategy.

OUR MISSION & purpose

We create (meaningful) and timeless brands